We love our visitors! It’s always a privilege to have guests come in and worship the Lord alongside us. You will not escape without being greeted by a number of our friendly regulars!
Don’t worry about what to wear. Whether you come in shorts and sandals or a dress shirt and necktie, you’ll see others similarly attired. “Man looks at the outside, God looks at the heart.”
Our main worship service begins at 10:30AM. We sing to the Lord a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary songs. We give weekly remembrance to the death of Jesus for our sins by taking the Lord’s Supper together. Then Bro. Dale gives us a substantive message from the Scriptures: reading the Word of God, explaining it, and giving the application of it to our lives. Both those who need encouragement and those who need conviction (pretty much all of us need both) are well served by the proclaiming of God’s Word.
We hope you’ll visit with us, and we hope you’ll become a part of our family, ever serving and growing with us as disciples of Jesus.