OFFICE CLOSURES: On November 27th, 28th and 29th, the office will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday.
MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY: On Wednesday, November 27th has been cancelled due to Thanksgiving.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS BOX: TODAY is the last day to have your filled boxes in to be delivered! If you would like more information on this project, see Sandi MacKenzie.
WARM WEAR COLLECTION: It is that time of year that we want to ensure that the homeless and those in need have the appropriate means to stay warm in the coming winter months. On the events table there is a flyer with the list of items needed. Please pick one up and we appreciate your generosity and giving hearts! There is a donation box beside the food donation box. For further information, please see Allison Murphy.
JERICHO ROAD HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE: Every year we switch our food drive to focus on the holidays. There are many who are unable to provide a holiday dinner for their family. We provide an opportunity that needs to be filled. On the events table there is a list of foods you can donate for the holidays. This is by no means a complete list… you may still donate any food for our food box. If you have any questions or need more information, see Allison Murphy.
ENCOURAGERS BIBLE STUDY: On Thursday, December 5th, at 10:30 AM, all ladies are invited to delve into God’s Word. For more information or questions, please contact or see Cee Goodwin.
CHRISTMAS DINNER PARTY: We will be having our annual Christmas Dinner Party on Saturday, December 21st, at 3:00 PM. More details to follow as we draw closer to the date.