MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY: On Wednesday, February 5th , at 3:00 PM, we are having our mid-week Bible Study. All are welcome! Come and dig into God’s Word together!
ENCOURAGERS: Encouragers is on Thursday, February 6th, at 10:30 AM. For more information or questions, please contact or see Cee Goodwin.
LADIES HOME BIBLE STUDY: On Thursday, February 6th, at 6:00 PM the Ladies Home Bible Study will be meeting at the home of Mindy Beck. For any questions or further information, please contact or see Mindy Beck.
VALENTINE’S DINNER: On Thursday, February 13th at 6:00 PM, we will be having our annual Valentine’s Dinner. This event is open to the en-tire church. Married or single please come. There is a sign-up sheet on the events table. Due to this dinner, the men and women’s fellowship dinners have been cancelled.
NEW MINISTRY: We will have a young adult Bible Study starting. Adam Cordero will be the ministry leader. Please contact Adam for more information or if you have any questions.
MINISTRY NEEDS: The Ladies Dinner that is held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month is in need of a ministry leader. The previous ministry leader has stepped away from the ministry. If you would be interested or need more information about this ministry, please call the office or Sandi MacKenzie. We do not want this ministry to end. Thank you. Also, the SOARS ministry is in desperate need of fabric! Please consider donating some for this wonderful ministry. See Annie Clark for more information.
REVIVAL: Coming in March, we will be having a Revival. Our guest speaker is Jim Book and music will be provided by the Melton’s. Get ready to invite family, friends and neighbors for 3 days of blessings!
GROUNDS MINISTRY: The Grounds Ministry is led by Randy Shea. With leadership help from Bill & Nona Nemec. They have kept our church grounds looking beautiful with the help of multiple volunteers. JoAnn Shea tends to all our potted plants and flowers around the grounds. They are always in need of help as it takes a lot of work to make these grounds look great! If you love to work out in the yard and being outdoors or have a green thumb, this is the ministry for you. Please seek out Randy or Bill for times and days you can help. If you need more information about this ministry see Randy or Bill.
MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY: On Wednesday, January 29th , at 3:00 PM, we are having our mid-week Bible Study. All are welcome! Come and dig into God’s Word together!